Khmelnytskyi Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) continues to operate as scheduled, and the background radiation remains within the normal limits. The relevant statement was made by Energoatom National Nuclear Energy Generating Company of Ukraine on Telegram. According to the company, the anonymous Telegram channels are spreading fake messages about some “emergency situation” at Khmelnytskyi NPP, which has allegedly caused a rise in the background radiation in the Khmelnytskyi and Rivne regions. “Khmelnytskyi NPP is operating in a routine mode. There are neither deviations from the normal operation of the nuclear plant nor any “emergency situations”. The plant’s background radiation is remaining within the normal limits,” the report states. Energoatom called on Ukrainian citizens to use only verified information from the official sources and not to spread fake messages. (Ukrinform)
This content was originally published here.